Memberships and Accreditations
European Certificate of Psychotherapy, Issued by the European Association for Psychotherapy.
Pancyprian Association for Psychotherapists, Full Member, Reg. Number: 063-PAP-SF.
European Family Therapy Association, Chamber of Individual Members, Full Member, Reg. Number: 1045.
Post-Graduate Diploma in Systemic Psychotherapy, Systemic Institute of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus.
MSc in Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
MSc in Clinical & Abnormal Psychology, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom.
BA Magna Cum Laude in Psychology, San Diego State University Honors Program, San Diego, USA.
Clinical Positions
Psychotherapist, Pancyprian Organization for the Rehabilitation of Disabled People, Limassol, Cyprus, 01/2018–2021.
Lead Coordinator/Trainer, Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline, Pancyprian Coordinating Committee for the Protection and Welfare of Children, Nicosia, Cyprus, 03/2009-07/2010.
Graduate Therapeutic Care Worker, The Walled Garden, Reading, UK, 08-12/2008.
Assistant Psychologist/Intern, Anosi Drug Rehabilitation Center, Limassol Hospital Psychiatric Ward, Nicosia Hospital Psychiatric Ward, Center for Individual and Family Psychotherapy, Athalassa Psychiatric Hospital, Cyprus, 01-08/2007.
Assistant Psychologist/Intern, The Corner Clubhouse, Community Research Foundation, San Diego, USA, 09-12/2006.
Assistant Psychologist, Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients & Friends, Limassol, Cyprus, 06-08/2006.
A comparison of protein function during exocytosis in mammalian adrenal chromaffin cells and neuronal autapses. Advisor Dr. Niels Cornelisse, 02-07/2012.
Department of Functional Genomics, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Advisor Dr. Niels Cornelisse, 02-07/2012.
Project: The kinetics of exocytosis induced by hyperosmotic solutions at the hippocampal synapse.
Department of Integrative Neurophysiology, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Advisor Dr. Christiaan de Kock, 02-08/2011.
Project: Single-unit activity in the rat medial prefrontal cortex in vivo.
Video-Game Psychophysiology Laboratory, Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, 03/2009-07/2010.
Project: The effects of violent gaming on human psychophysiological and electrophysiological measures of stress and aggression.
Department of Psychology, Swansea University. Advisor Dr. Philip Corr, 02/2008-06/2011.
Project: Quality of life and level of functioning in cancer patients: The roles of behavioral inhibition and approach systems.
The association between RST personality factors and the health-related quality of life reported by cancer patients.
Advisor Dr. Philip Corr, 02-08/2008.
Department of Psychology, San Diego State University. Advisor Dr. Paul Gilbert, 01-12/2006.
Project: Age-related effects of encoding condition on source memory for odors.
19-22 February 2020, Vienna, Austria. European Association for Psychotherapy Annual General Meeting. Pancyprian Association for Psychotherapy representative.
5-19 March 2010, Casserta, Italy. COST Action 2102 Training School, “Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues”. Speaker, Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute representative.
8-10 March 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. INSAFE 2.0 Training Meeting, Steering Committee member. Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline representative.
25-26 February 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2010 Structured Dialogic Design Seminars. Lead Coordinator, lecturer
09-10 February 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus. Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Safer Internet Day 2010 Conference. Speaker, Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline representative.
03-05 November 2009, Brussels, Belgium. INHOPE 10th Anniversary General Assembly & task groups. Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline/Hotline representative.
22- 23 October 2009, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Safer Internet Forum, Cyprus. Safer Internet Helpline representative.
21 October 2009, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. INSAFE Annual Meeting, Safer Internet Forum, Cyprus. Safer Internet Helpline representative.
29-30 September 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. Promotion of Mental Health and Well-being of Children and Young People: Making it happen. Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline representative.
16-19 September 2009, Madrid, Spain. BioID_MultiComm’09: Joint COST 2101 & 2012 International conference on Biometric ID Management and Multimodal Communication. Management Committee member, Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute representative.
6-9 July 2009, Madrid, Spain. INSAFE Regional Meeting. Speaker, Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline representative.
2-5 July 2009, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2nd International Structured Dialogic Design process Facilitators Training School. Lead coordinator.
2-4 June 2009, Playa D’ Aro, Spain. 2nd International Fish Animation Conference. Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute representative.
30 May 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus. Safer Internet Helpline Training Seminar. Lead coordinator, trainer.
8 April 2009. Nicosia, Cyprus. Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline Training Seminar. Lead coordinator, trainer.
4 April 2009, Nicosia, Cyprus. Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline Training Seminar. Lead coordinator, trainer.
23-27 March 2009, Dublin, Ireland. ESF COST 2102 International School: Development of Multimodal Interfaces: Active Listening and Synchrony. Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute representative.
9 February 2009, Nicosia, Cyprus. Safer Internet Day Conference: The internet and social networking. Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline representative.